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Isabella Door Canopy (2024)

Ref No: 405500007
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Awning Size Guide


Isabella Caravan Door Canopy

The door canopy for the caravan is a fast and stable solution for providing shelter over the caravan door. Fits onto most caravans.

Granite acrylic with a porthole window in each side and light grey Polyester roof.
Supplied with Zinox steel frame with T-Rex and shoe on caravan side. 
Width 145cm, Depth 95cm. 3.8kg
How to measure for the size of your awning

How to measure for the size of your awning

  1. 1. Ensure your caravan is on a level standing.
  2. 2. Get a piece of string or tape measure. Using the string/tape measure, measure from front ground level around the awning rail and back down to the ground level at the back. Take the measurements in centimeters.