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Isabella Awning Carpet

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Awning Size Guide


Isabella Carpets come in a choice of 3 colours - North (Blue), Dawn (Mink) and Flint (Light Grey), and three different depths - 2.5m, 3m and 3.5m

Made from smooth woven nylon threads and PVC to achieve a smooth finish that can even be trimmed without fraying making them suitable for any awning.

They are easy to maintain and clean. Sweep with a soft brush to remove debris and wipe with a damp cloth or sponge to remove marks.

Available in all sizes for Isabella awnings.

How to measure for the size of your awning

How to measure for the size of your awning

  1. 1. Ensure your caravan is on a level standing.
  2. 2. Get a piece of string or tape measure. Using the string/tape measure, measure from front ground level around the awning rail and back down to the ground level at the back. Take the measurements in centimeters.